Christopher Larochelle

If I had to describe my work, I would say it’s an eclectic mix of styles and mediums which includes abstract landscapes, rustic-pop paintings, photo collages, and low-brow comic art. Is there a connective thread that links it all? I dont know, that for the doctors to decide.

Being a quiet, only child, my need to express myself through art began instantly. I put crayons to paper and started drawing in a comic style. I was creating weird characters and strange worlds as a way to open up my space. I could escape the four walls of my bedroom without having to interact with people. And although traditional comic books were never something I was interested in. When I discovered underground comics and specifically the work of R.Crumb, It all start to make sense. Everything I’m creating is just a reflection of how I see the world and the people in it. Behind the pretty faces and perfect bodies are blobs of flesh, drooling and grunting and contorted.

Primarily self-taught, I spent a short time attending an art college in New England before moving to Los Angeles to learn special effects make-up. While living in L.A. I explored all aspects of art, from movie make-up, to Super 8 film-making, to painting, drawing and writing. A move to Maine in early 2000 brought a new burst of creative energy. I opened a gallery with my wife, out of our garage, where I displayed paintings and prints along with my wife’s jewelry designs. We then went on to open the highly regarded, Minka, in Kennebunkport, Maine, a gallery boutique, where I use color, texture, and composition to create a visually engaging, thoughtfully curated, distinctive space.

And even though I have been fortunate enough to make a living using my creativity, the need to express myself through art has always been a health necessity. It’s a way for me to stay emotionally balanced. It doesn’t matter what I’m working on, who will see it, or wether it’s any good or not; the process of creating is all that matters. At some point, to make things easier, I started using ONE GIANT EYE as my art alias. ONE GIANT EYE has been a way to separate myself from the work and to feel less restricted about what I’m making. ONE GIANT EYE is the alias but also the closest representation of who I am. Christopher creates landscapes and Bird portraits, ONE GIANT EYE creates the low-brow art, the outsider art, the comic book art, the work that’s not for sale. (But I am excepting offers.)

The collection of artwork showcased on this website represents just a portion of what I have created throughout the years. My hope is to keep this site updated with fresh NEW work and if I could just get up off my ass and start making something, it will happen.

For comments or questions contact Christopher at:
Chris @